What is High Mileage for a Motorcycle?
Thinking about purchasing a used motorcycle? Something that might be holding you back is apprehension about buying a used motorcycle with high mileage—a factor that can help bring bike models comfortably within your budget but also might mean more repair costs and less time spent enjoying your bike. At Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys, our team of motorcycle enthusiasts knows that a high-mileage bike doesn't have to be a bad bike. But it pays to know what you're looking for. Use this quick guide to high-mileage motorcycles to avoid the pitfalls, set your expectations, and find the right bike.
Factors That Affect Mileage
Some bikes are built to handle more miles than others. Touring bikes, for example, are sturdy, long-lasting machines that can last five times as long as popular sports or dirt bikes. This means that you can't go strictly by the numbers when deciding if a bike is too old or too worn through. Instead, always consider these factors when asking, "What is high mileage for a motorcycle?"—or when gauging how long your current bike might have left:
Type of motorcycle: Different classes and types of bikes are built to last for different mileage ranges, so some will wear through faster than others.
Maintenance history: Bikes with tens of thousands of miles, an excellent maintenance history, and minimal wear and tear will often last longer than newer bikes with shoddy preventive maintenance or neglect.
Riding style: Aggressive riding and frequent braking will age a bike more per mile than gentler, smoothing cruising.
Road conditions: Muddy roads, gravel roads, and roads with harsh changes in elevation ride harder on a motorcycle's parts than smooth paved roads.
Average Mileage for Different Types of Motorcycles
While all of the above factors matter, one of the clearest to work with is the type of motorcycle. Once you know what kind of motorcycle you're looking for and the typical lifespan of those bikes, you can gauge whether a potential purchase is low-mileage or high-mileage.
Sports Bikes
Sports bikes are small and versatile, but they aren't designed to drive hundreds of thousands of miles. Expect a new sports bike to last up to 30,000 with good maintenance. But because the range of high mileage on a motorcycle like this is so small, it's very important to have a clear maintenance history and to inspect the bike thoroughly before purchase.
Cruiser Bikes
How many miles does a motorcycle last if it's a cruiser bike? Cruisers last longer than sports bikes, with a typical maximum mileage of around 80,000 miles. However, poorly maintained bikes left out in the elements won't last this long and may even have shorter maximum mileage than sports bikes. Typically (and with good maintenance), larger cruisers last longer than mid-sized ones.
Adventure Bikes
Adventure touring bikes are somewhere in the middle, with a typical range of 25,000 to 50,000 miles depending on the model, the maintenance history, and the riding style. But because it's hard to narrow the typical mileage range of adventure bikes, we recommend you research different models for specific ranges.
Signs of a High-Mileage Motorcycle
How many miles is a lot for a motorcycle depends on the bike's condition, not the raw number. Look out for these signs that the bike may be nearing the end of its upper mileage limit:
Intermittent loss of power in the engine
Poor acceleration, especially compared to lower-mileage bikes of the same make and model
Lower fuel efficiency
You can also inspect the motorcycle for damage and signs of wear. The most important systems to look over are the suspension, brakes, and tires. Each system may have been replaced, so look over all three and the engine.
Maintaining a High-Mileage Motorcycle
If you have a high-mileage motorcycle or purchase a high-mileage bike, you can take many steps to extend its rideable lifespan. Consistent, comprehensive maintenance is the most important thing you can do. Follow these tips:
Have a regular maintenance schedule, and don't skip steps.
Be proactive about replacing worn-out parts and upgrading the bike to fit your driving style and local roads.
Don't ride the bike too hard; switch to smoother driving tactics and habits.
Maximize the Lifespan of Your Motorcycle With Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys
There is no one answer to the question, "What is high mileage for a motorcycle?" High-mileage motorcycles need extra care and attention but can still provide years of fun riding. At Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys, we have a wide selection of new and used bikes in good or excellent condition. Contact us today to learn more about our inventory, or visit our location.
Featured Image:SATYAJIT MISRA/Shutterstock