E-Z Go golf carts are low-maintenance, easy-to-drive vehicles that are tons of fun and low-maintenance. Go cruising around your neighborhood or down the trails around your home all season. While there are fewer licensure requirements than when you drive a motorcycle or boat, there are still some dos and don'ts you should know about before you buy one—there may also be more driving restrictions. Learn more about Florida golf cart laws, and then head down to Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys to find your next recreational vehicle.

Age Requirements for E-Z Go Golf Carts in Florida?

Under new legislative changes to Florida golf cart laws, drivers must be 15 or older to legally drive a golf cart on a public road or street. Drivers between the ages of 15 and 18 must have a valid learner's permit (or a driver's license), and all drivers above the age of 18 must have a legal driver's license on hand. 

Some exceptions exist, such as cities or towns that have put their own regulations in place, and some golf courses with established golf cart paths may allow younger drivers. On private property, the driver's age is usually at the discretion of the parent or guardian. So, if you have paved or gravel paths on your property, you have far more freedom!

Street Legality of E-Z Go Golf Carts in Florida

Are golf carts street-legal in Florida? It's important to know where E-Z Go golf carts can and cannot be driven throughout Florida. Generally, golf carts can be driven on residential streets with low-speed limits. They need to have liability coverage, and the driver must be properly licensed. Still, the vehicle doesn't have to be state-registered as with a typical car or some other classes of recreational vehicles. To legally drive your golf cart in these areas, they must have road-appropriate brakes and steering, red warning reflectors at the front and back, and rear mirrors. The tires must also be safe.

Golf carts can also be driven on golf cart paths in parks and golf courses. However, regarding Florida golf cart laws and sidewalks, they cannot be driven on sidewalks or general public roads. They can only cross a highway if the highway divides a golf course or residential subdivision.

These rules are broad generalities—every county or city in Florida may have its own, narrower rules or special dispensations for more relaxed rules. Double-check with your local government, or reach out to our team with specific questions so we can help you find the answers. 

Differences Between E-Z Go Golf Carts and Low-Speed Vehicles (LSVs)

E-Z Go golf carts and low-speed vehicles share a lot of similarities. Some high-powered golf carts can be categorized as LSVs. Generally, LSVs are more powerful and can go faster than golf carts. As a result, they have a slightly wider array of driving options: primarily, they can go on public roads with a speed limit of 35 mph or lower.

LSVs have more features and safety additions, such as seat belts, turn signals, and better brakes. 

Local Ordinances Affecting E-Z Go Golf Carts

We recommend becoming familiar with the local ordinances surrounding golf cart use in your town, neighborhood, and local golf course, not just Florida golf cart laws. These may override state laws and ordinances, and understanding your community's rules makes driving safer for everyone. Regardless of the specific driving allowances, DUI laws, and OWI laws do apply to drivers, and operating a golf cart with a high blood alcohol concentration can result in your facing charges. 

Let Riva Motorsports Help You Navigate the Kets in Style With an E-Z Go

Find your favorite E-Z Go golf cart or LSV at the Riva Motorsports showroom. We have a wide selection of vehicles, accessories, and add-ons so you can enjoy your ride. You can also chat with our team about Florida golf cart laws, learn how to make a golf cart street legal in Florida, and get more details.