Top Golf Cart Safety Tips
The versatile and compact golf cart was developed in the middle of the 20th century and quickly proliferated through golf courses across the country. Not only did this vehicle make it easier and more enjoyable for golfers to play, allowing them to travel quickly to the ball and transport their equipment securely, they also found other uses.
From malls and campuses to retirement communities, golf carts and their evolved cousins, low-speed vehicles (LSVs), are an extremely popular solution to simple transport needs, even over streets and roads with some modifications.
However, just because street-legal golf carts are slower and smaller than normal cars, they still require that operators and passengers observe practical safety precautions. This list of golf cart safety tips comes to you courtesy of Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys, located in Key Largo. Brush up on the rules and regulations so you can operate your vehicle safely in any environment.
Don’t Be Reckless
This might seem obvious, but some people need to be told that recklessly operating a vehicle is a danger to themselves and those around them. Operate your vehicle in good weather and good light conditions. You probably wouldn’t want to ride around in the pouring rain to begin with, but know that your cart is not equipped to cope with inclement weather conditions.
Stay sober and focused. Using alcohol or drugs before your ride will impair your focus and slow your reflexes, leading to a potential accident. You need to be alert to watch for and maneuver around obstacles in your path as well as pedestrians and other road users. Never drive your cart on sidewalks.
Don’t get distracted by eating, talking or using a phone while you’re driving any motorized vehicle. Stay on task and do these things once you’ve parked your vehicle safely.
Never Overpack Your Vehicle
Your golf cart can easily carry a bag of clubs or some supplies in a bag, but you don’t want to burden it down with too many passengers or too much cargo. The engine and battery are not equipped for heavy loads, and extra weight will jostle around and make your driving more difficult. You’re also putting yourself at risk of getting a flat tire if you stuff your cart too full. Be selective about what you choose to bring aboard and consider using other transport to get heavy cargo where it needs to be.
Educate Your Passengers
If you’re taking people on your cart, which is very likely given that you’re using it as transportation, make sure they also understand the rules of the road. They will all need to wear seatbelts, so don’t take more passengers than you have seatbelts for. Your passengers should also keep their hands and legs inside the cart instead of leaning out dangerously, and they should talk quietly and not play loud music, particularly when you’re on a golf course where players need quiet to focus on their game.
Safety On Roads
If your state permits you to take your golf cart or LSV onto paved streets and roads, you’ll want to observe all the laws and make sure you’re operating your vehicle responsibly. Your golf cart must be converted to be street legal as an unconverted golf cart is illegal to use on roads. To be converted to street legal, your golf cart needs to be equipped with lights, signals, mirrors, seatbelts, registration, insurance and a license plate. It will have to pass the same inspections as normal vehicles. You should have a current driver’s license as well.
Do your best to not impede the flow of traffic, since you’ll be much slower than other vehicles. Stay out of carpool and passing lanes and make sure you’re staying up to speed. Use caution when turning onto streets and give yourself space between other vehicles, allowing them to safely pass you when necessary.
We hope these tips help you to safely use your vehicle for your transport needs. If you want to check out some great golf carts or LSVs, visit Riva Motorsports & Marine of the Keys today. We proudly serve Key Largo, the Florida Keys and Homestead, FL.