Do you Need a Title to Drive a Golf Cart?
Owning your golf cart clearly indicates that you are ready to enjoy the best of the Florida experience. Before you hit the road in your new golf cart, however, you need to ensure that your vehicle is properly acknowledged for what it is. So, do you need a title to drive a golf cart in Florida? The short answer is no, not necessarily. To make sure you don't end up in a legal conundrum, let's establish why this is true and what specific situation requires a title for your golf cart.
A standard golf cart in Florida can be operated without a title for its intended purpose, which is transportation on a golf course or in a private community or municipality that ordains their use to be appropriate. It is also appropriate to operate your golf cart in a residential neighborhood. Most golf carts purchased cannot be used on public roadways except for specific situations related to navigating golf courses, such as crossing a public road to access related golf course amenities or when specifically permitted by a city or municipality. This is legal without an issued title, as is standard when purchasing a golf cart.
Does this mean that a golf cart never requires a title? No. There is an exception.
Why Do Golf Carts Need a Title?
If you choose to convert your golf cart into a low-speed vehicle (LSV), you can use it on many public roads throughout Florida with a speed limit of less than 30 miles an hour. However, if you convert your golf cart to an LSV, you must acquire a title from your local DMV.
Are Golf Carts Street Legal?
A standard golf cart is not a street-legal vehicle. It may be allowed to be operated in designated neighborhoods, municipalities, or public areas outside of a golf course, but to be street legal for use on public roads in general, it must be converted into an LSV. Once converted into an LSV, it must have a valid Florida title and be operated by the local ordinances governing its safe use.
A golf cart only needs to be registered if it is being used as an LSV. However, a valid bill of sale should be a part of every authorized purchase of a golf cart, and a VIN adds a unique designation to your golf cart that will allow you to convert it into an LSV when you decide you want to.
Suppose you decide to convert your golf cart into an LSV in Florida. In that case, you can follow the straightforward process of installing proper safety features and providing the necessary documentation to your local Department of Motor Vehicles. These documents include:
Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin
Proof of insurance
Form HSMV 82040
Valid proof of identification, such as a driver's license.
If your paperwork is in order and your golf cart has been equipped with the necessary road safety equipment, it should be simple to receive your LSV title.
Golf Cart Title Transfers
Performing a golf cart title transfer can be frustrating if the original title is not properly completed. If you have a valid title, you can transfer the title to another party using a certificate of title and provide the local municipality with the proper fee. The license plate associated with the title must be transferred at this time as well.
If you are ready to continue your adventure in casual living here in Florida with your own golf cart, contact us at Riva Motorsports today! We would be happy to walk you through the process of acquiring a vehicle that suits your needs and answer any questions you have. Contact us today!
Featured Image:Dolores M. Harvey/Shutterstock